Would you like to be known as the worst lover and actually be a good one, or would you like to be known as the best lover and actually be the worst?

Imagine a life in which everything you do, everything you buy, everything you think, and everything you wish for are governed by a powerful family. Imagine being watched by someone every single minute, yet having no idea that your every movement is being tracked. People like to believe that they are independent thinkers, but the reality is that their thoughts and decisions are already subconsciously influenced by someone so powerful that a mere FIR against them can be the cause of your death. Sounds scary? Well, this is the reality we live in. Our thoughts are subconsciously influenced by these powerful hands, and they are watching our every single movement. They are none other than the ROTHSCHILDS.

Wait, but why am I talking about some mafia on a blog page that has economics, markets, and business as its theme? Believe it or not, this family is an economy in itself. We think that there is no one more powerful than the Ambani's and the Adani's, but the truth is, even they are at the mercy of the Rothschilds. Who are the Rothschilds? How did they become one of the most dominant families in the world? Can one family wield so much power that they can influence the economy of an entire nation? Let's dissect the truth.  

Officially, this family has a net worth of $4 trillion. Yes, a trillion. That's more than India's GDP. Through various operations spread across almost every country, this family mints $400 billion every year. Everything that they do is so confidential that the only person on the Forbes list representing the Rothschild family is Benjamin De Rothschild, who holds the 1851st position. It is a proven fact that this family controls every single aspect of an economy. May it be politics, economic policies, stock markets, corporations, or even the things that we watch on the internet, somehow, they have the power to influence these things. Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the man who started this empire, had humble beginnings. Initially, they started by trading in cotton and coal. It was very soon that Mayer realized that the real money was in financing and lending.

It is believed that whenever markets collapse suddenly or because of some macroeconomic event like the 2008 real estate bubble, Rothschilds have something to do with it. Every time there is a market collapse, Rothschilds have heavily minted and shorted in advance. Frontrunning trades through inside information is something they have mastered. With the help of their cash cows, Rothschilds invested heavily at the bottom of the crash, profiting from this upside. This family holds the record for the most conspiracy theories. Through their trusts, the family has invested heavily in companies like Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Berkshire Hathaway, Pepsi, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, and many more. Over the years, these stocks have compounded and made a lot of money for their shareholders. 

70% of the businesses in South Africa and Europe are controlled by this family. The family is the largest distributor of wine and other alcoholic beverages in Australia, Austria, and Vatican City. I have also heard it on the grapevine that this family supplies free alcohol in Vatican City, supposedly because Vatican City serves as their headquarters for God knows how many trusts. 8 out of 10 biggest investment banks have someone from Rothschild as a board member.

Back in the golden days of Europe, politics was the root cause of every problem. It is believed that European politics is worse than India's politics. Because of the unfair practices of European politicians, Jewish people suffered the most. Europeans believed that those who believed in Christianity were supreme and people who followed other religions were inferior. Feeling unsafe, the Jews migrated to Germany. Little did they know that Germany would become the capital for torturing Jews. According to the Christians, lending was a business that was looked down upon. "Money is the root cause of every evil," is what Christians believed. Jews, having limited options, entered the money-lending business and completely dominated the field.

Jews targeted the nobility, like kings, presidents, and vice presidents, and became their bookkeepers and Treasury managers. Rothschilds entered this business, and in return for fees, they took collectables as their commissions. You would find out later why they took such a step. This visionary man figured it out early that financing these kings and queens is a very risky bet because you have no idea who will conquer them. Hence, he wrapped up his lending business and shifted to London. Very soon, the Rothschilds become bankers to banks and governments. These relations helped them gain political support and diplomatic connections. Having a vision and acting accordingly helps a lot as a businessman. After becoming the richest person in the world, Rothschild decided to expand their business by entering every possible sector. They took "every possible sector" seriously.

Roughly 80–85% of the profits that the family earns are from exports. Considering their international exposure, this family felt the need to hedge their exports and safeguard their operations. If we were in their position, we would have used forex markets to hedge our risks. But Rothschilds being Rothschilds, they built an entire exchange. Today, their operations are heavily diversified, but in the early days, the family minted money by being the sole supplier of ammunition to the countries that were fighting wars. The family had such a dominant position that they had to intervene to stop a war. Basically, everything that people consumed, from food to everything that they used in a war, was possible because of their businesses and financing. Rockefellers, another gigantic family once was at their mercy. That's the size of the Rothschilds.

Just to give you an example of how powerful, smart, and profitable the Rothschilds are, let me tell you that the contract to build the Suez Canal was won by the Rothschilds, and as compensation, they asked for a stake in the trust that runs the canal instead of a few million dollars. Today, 40% of the cargo travels through the canal. It is also estimated that the canal earns $15 million every day in fees. Rothschild's stake in the canal is confidential. Even a 1% stake can help them mint a few billion dollars every quarter.

When Mayer Rothschild was on his death bed, the only thing he asked for was complete secrecy. Hence, no one knows anything about the Rothschilds. Everything that the public knows is the outcome of conspiracy theories that they have created. Just like the Indian Parsis, Rothschilds also follow the concept of consanguine marriages. Basically, they marry their own siblings.

May it be a bank in Luxemburg, the independence war of Brazil from Portugal, the biggest ammunition company in Germany, the 2008 Lehman brother scandal, COVID 19, the Russia-Ukraine war, or the OPEC, the Rothschilds control everything. I mentioned earlier that Mayer Rothschild started the custom of collecting valuables in return for their services. The estimated value of their collections is over $5 billion. This $5 billion is the value of collectibles, apart from what Hitler stole. It is believed that RIT Investment Partners is the parent trust, which looks after every other trust and business run by the Rothschilds. The name keeps changing, though.

People are talking about AI and stuff right now. This family has it all planned out. It is believed that they have been into AI and automation since 2012–13. It's almost like they build something, use it, and later, through their power and influence in the media, circulate the product and market it as the "new hot thing" in the market.

If you read thoroughly about the family, you will find out that there were two major reasons why this family succeeded. Prominent among the two was frontrunning. For example, I know that Reliance is a great company, and soon the stock will touch Rs 3000. I also have some inside information about this. Hence, instead of informing my clients, I would first buy a few lakh shares of Reliance for myself. When I am satisfied with my stake, I will ask my clients to buy Reliance, profiting from a rise in demand. The second reason for their success has been confidentiality. Just imagine. It took me one small blog to write about a family that has an estimated net worth of $4 trillion. This is some next level confidentiality. I know more about Vatican City than the Rothschilds, even though the Vatican City is 400 times smaller than the Rothschilds yearly revenues.

Another reason that I believe will help them maintain this dominance in the future is their control over the media. 80–90% of the media houses run on their payroll. The media plays a pivotal role in manipulating our minds. Maybe they know that I am writing about them. Who knows.

At the very beginning of this blog, I asked a question. If you can answer that, you have cracked the Rothschild mentality. The Rothschilds are not in the business of flaunting their big palaces or private jets because everything that we can see is either directly or indirectly owned by the Rothschilds. 

Work in silence. Earn in silence. Enjoy in silence and dominate and manipulate in silence. 
Ladies and gentlemen, the Rothschilds. 


Happy Investing. 


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