Delivering happiness, Brick by Brick.
Ignoring everything that consumerism or marketing has to offer, deep inside, what does an average Indian work for? I thought that it was the feeling of completeness, happiness, or respect was something that an average guy worked for. But I was wrong. Even though people want this, it is secondary to buying a house. Yes, that's true. In India, buying real estate comes way ahead of self-esteem or respect. We can do anything to get a house. We can keep jewelry as collateral for buying that 1RK that will uplift our self-esteem in the society. We will work day and night to earn extra income, only to lose it on a big down payment. This unspoken rule of attaching our self-worth and self-respect was something that Mr. Runwal also felt. Subhash Runwal, a middle-class boy who left a job in the US and came to Mumbai in 1967 to start his own real estate company, sits on a massive fortune of $1 billion as of February 2024. This man has truly taught me a very valuable lesson: to dream big and wo...