Wisdom from the top
One person. That’s all it takes for someone to achieve what was once considered unachievable. History is full of such examples. Chanakya molded Chandragupt Maurya into King Chandragupt Maurya. Rishi Vishwamitra transformed his disciple Parshuram from a Brahmin into an undefeatable Kshatriya. General Sam Manekshaw's strategic brilliance led to the surrender of 93,000 Pakistani soldiers. Kapil Dev inspired India to win its first cricket World Cup. Arthur Howard helped Milkha Singh become the Flying Sikh. Narjit Singh guided Mangte Chungneijang into becoming Mary Kom. And JRD Tata mentored a young American architect, shaping him into the remarkable businessman we know today as Sir Ratan Tata. Our development is greatly influenced by the people we surround ourselves with. We tend to emulate their behaviors over time. Our first heroes are typically our parents. We don’t choose them; they shape our understanding of what’s right and wrong. Through them, we learn that dishonesty and arroga...