ECONOMY, MARKETS AND EARNINGS - The unbreakable relationship

ECONOMY, MARKETS AND EARNINGS - The unbreakable relationship The stock market is the word of the hour. Everyone wants to make a lot of money via investing. People are on the constant lookout for a multibaggers that would turn around their lives. The Indian markets are booming, and everyone is looking for an opportunity to wash their hands in the flowing water. While this is great, one has to understand why our markets are booming. At the end of the day, the relationship between markets, the economy, and earnings is what describes the path of the markets and your portfolio. Markets are a reflection of earnings as well as the state of the economy. As for the relationship between markets and earnings, as said earlier, markets and earnings are positively correlated. Meaning, if Indian companies report poor or negative earnings, then the markets are supposed to fall. This phenomenon takes place because we value companies based on thei...